
The No1 Audio GuestBook available ANYWHERE!


Looking to add something truly unique to your special day? Meet PhoneOgram!
It’s an audio guestbook like no other.
Unlike many on the market, PhoneOgram comes with built-in noise cancellation features, It also saves in Audio & Video format

PhoneOgram is the most advanced audio guestbook phone available, offering an unparalleled experience for events, weddings, and special occasions. Unlike some mass-produced alternatives that are prone to faults, such as accidental message deletions from a simple button press, PhoneOgram guarantees your memories are preserved safely.

It saves messages in both audio and video formats and creates a compilation of messages in video format, making it easy to relive the moments. Simply press play and sit back—there’s no need to open each individual message.

With built-in noise reduction and normalisation, PhoneOgram captures messages for a seamless, enjoyable experience.

PhoneOgram is available in three elegant options to suit any event style:

  • A full-size phone box
  • A medium-size phone box (perfect for gift tables)
  • A vintage telephone-seated table for a nostalgic touch.
    Each option adds charm and functionality, making it easy to create lasting memories in a modern, convenient way.

A brilliant way for your guests to leave you a personal message!

Sample of a recording with phoneOgram

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